I just recently watched a movie called Strings. It was remarkably good, for what it was. Given the fact that the entire story is about and portrayed by string puppets, the world they created was incredibly fleshed out and lifelike.
The entire movie is shot at puppet level, with just a bit of prelude at the beginning showing how the puppeteers move the strings about to make the characters come alive. The strings - namesake of the movie - are really a very fundamental plot device. In the puppet world, the strings are analogous to life, with damage to various body parts corresponding to the severance of their related strings. The most important string - the head string - is responsible for life, and severing it effectively kills whomever it belonged to. If only most other movies could be this well developed, I might actually go back to watching them on a regular basis.
The epic quality of the puppeteering mixed with a solid story and excellent voice acting made this a movie I'll probably go back to watching at a later time. If you see it on a rental shelf, I highly recommend you pick it up. You won't be disappointed.
Sounds creepy, but looks good, my kind of movie. Now the most important question is it on par with Team America?
Team America was a hack effort compared to this.
holy weird.
I watched a bit of this the other day on some movie channel.
Honestly String puppets are pretty creepy in general, but the idea was pretty awesome and the whole concept was fascinating.
I started watching it in the middle and didn't finish it because of that, but I was pretty impressed by the voice acting and overall style.
I hope to be able to see it completely one day.
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