Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I suppose it's time I put something up.

The past week has just been a disaster of epic proportions. Make that the last two weeks. Trouble reached an epic 6.6 on the bullshit richter scale, and I was wondering if and when there would be an end to it.

And of course, there's always the horseshit icing on the cake, too. I've been having excruciating pangs (note - not cramps, dismiss the thought right now) in my abdominal area. My parents were saying it might be stomach ulcers, likely in jest. I'm going to wait to see if it gets any worse, or if it'll go away. My body's a bit retarded in the pain department. I often get stitches in my ribs and back that are painful, but usually go away pretty quickly. I'm thinking it's likely an extension of that, and will come and go over time.

Last exam I had at the doctors, he said I was in good health with no predisposition towards illness. Lets hope he's right.

In other news, my weekend off was nice. It's been the first chance in a long while that I've been able to run home for the whole weekend. Needless to say, I cranked the "relaxation" dial up until it damn near broke off. In such a state, there was very little differentiating sleep from waking, and the only thing I disliked about it was the fact that I knew it was going to end, Monday afternoon.

In any event, it's back to the grindstone for me. Take care, everyone.


Tracy said...

Sorry the last two weeks have been so bad for you :( Glad you had a great weekend but yes those great times do have to end and that is sad.

Trevor said...

that sucks man, hope you get better. My buddy had an ulcer in college those arent fun.