Friday, February 11, 2005

The Doom of Mortals

Nobody seems to care about consequences. We like to try and hold our governments and politicans accountable, when we ourselves refuse to play bigger. We try to weasle out of the speeding ticket, even though we knew we were doing 140 in a playground zone. We like to point fingers at others, when we know damn well it was our own greed and laziness that brought our downfall. We like to champion causes that we don't even know anything about.

Where are you people going, in such a rush to hit the fucking shit pile? Take a pill, sit down, take a breath, and take life one step at a time. I haven't got the patience (which is near infinite) to watch you chicken-brains scratch at the ground, trying to make a living out of whining, bitching, complaining, yelling, and frowning.

Do I sound whiny at this point? Is this one of those "The World Sucks Posts?"
Could be, but really, read, and if the shoe fits, consider yourself on the blacklist of your own making.

Doom, DOOM DOOM DOOM, doom doom dooom DOOOM.

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