Friday, February 25, 2005


Sorry, no pics today. You'll just have to live with my incessant rambling instead.

Topic of today's post? Well, I would be stupid not to comment on Canada rejecting to take part in the NMD plan.

Turns out, Cellucci thinks that us not giving into the bully of the US administration is actually us handing the reigns of our sovereignty over to the US. To be blunt, such awkwardly stupid outbursts can lead to horrible political backlashes, namely the 450 million dollars worth of trade embargoes that are currently being considered against the US for the Mad Cow fiasco, and others such as the Softwood lumber dispute, among other things.

Perhaps, you know, hitting back isn't the right thing to do, what with the US being our closest ally. However, when brother starts getting bossy, we don't have to listen. Thats what sovereignty is all about. I can hardly wait for these four years to wrap up, and the bills to be tabulated. The citizens of America are leaving their children with a hefty tab to pay off, and they will be looking for help.

Help which, if things continue as they are, we will be hesitant to give.

On a side note, a buddy of mine in a computer science course likened the Patiot Missile to a pin, flying at mach 4, trying to hit another pin, travelling at mach 6. Not bloody likely. Bush, whom we all know and hate, has said that the NMD is necessary for the US's protection.

Maybe 40 years ago. Somebody needs to update that boy into the modern times. The Cold War is over, and if he had been paying attention in history class, he would know that we are actually supposed to be reducing the number of nukes in the world.

But he says they're in the hands of terrorists, and we need to "bulk up" to protect ourselves.

Careful Mr. Bush. You can get cavities talking bullshit like that.

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