Monday, January 31, 2005

Kill for Peace

Religion, of all things, never ceases to amaze me at how well it's been organized to control and manipulate. Whether this was the original design of organized religion, or whether its a recent perversion, is lost in the swirl of time, but nonetheless, it provides for some fuzzy logic.

Christianity, the shining beacon of salvation in North America, is a prime example of the "Huh?" religions. Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, the fundamental beliefs of love, peace, and forgiveness, zealots have twisted his message to justify war, bigotry, hate, and division. An example recently is the debate over same-sex marriage.

Jesus taught that to know love is to know God, and that, despite our sinful nature, we all have access to heaven if we only repent and ask forgiveness. Not so if you're gay. See, the way the rights see it, if you're gay, you not only deserve damnation in the next life, you deserve misery in this life as well. Well ain't that just poop in the honey-pot? Jesus taught us not to judge others, and yet we do so in his name. He tried to teach us to love everyone, and yet we are still selective about who we extend a hand of fellowship to.

"Believers" preach that gays do not truly love, that their love for each other is somehow lesser than straight people's because they cannot beget children through sexual acts. So that means... that infertile couples are also lesser in love because they also cannot beget children?

And the defense of culture... that's a rich one. People who believe that allowng gays to marry, and that doing so would damage their culture or their beliefs... Uhh, hate to break it to you, but you tried that already with black people. Let me repeat: You have already tried to do this before, and failed, and look, your precious culture is still intact.

And yet, if you do not fall in line with the "believers," then you are immediately damned to the burning hells for all eternity. Nothing like eternal torture to spur support and frighten the small-minded into obedience. I don't fear damnation, for it is in God's hands where I go. If he deems me unworthy of heaven, so be it. I tried.

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