Sunday, March 09, 2008

387.5 km later

It's been an extremely strange series of days. I suppose I should work my way backwards through them so they make more sense.

Yesterday, Trevor and Tracy came to the city, I guess to see one of their friends off to Amsterdam. We hung out a bit in the evening, and it was pretty swell to see part of the gang again. Hopefully things weren't too awkward.

The day before, one of my best friends was admitted to hospital for an unknown reason. He and I work at the same place, so work was thrown into chaos. He's alright. Whatever affected him was short-lived and not harmful. My relief was palpable.

I've reorganized my room. Every time I change something, I walk in and think I'm in the wrong place. It doesn't have my telltale clutter anymore - although by comparison, most would call my clutter clean.

Anyway, I don't have a lot else to report. I'll be leaving for Montreal again in April. Expect photos, and perhaps a few stories about poutines and Montreal smoked meat.

The photo: the sunset drive, which we've all seen sometime.


Tracy said...

It was great to see you! Glad you decided to come out after all even if we'd already eaten hahaha. We should have taken pictures...not sure why we didn't :) I love reorganizing rooms. When I lived at my parents I think I moved things around in my room about once a month!

Tracy said...

PS Montreal would be cool. I've been but don't remember as I was too young. I'd love to return now that I could appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Montreal, again?

I thought you were just there 152 days ago! You must've liked it a lot Matthew Good show this time, but we'll try and find you some exciting stuff to do anyways. There is a show on the 30th of may though...You never know, you might find yourself still

in Montreal on the first of june writing a blog entry about another good show but mostly about being abducted by a crazy french lady.

Someone managed to write a decent song about it once. Montreal is nothing like Alabama, but we have cheep motels too...and I'd give you all the material you need to write a good story about it.

The gun it lies next to me, whispering

Trevor said...

Yeah it was good seeing you. It wasnt akward at all, i'm just pretty quiet around meeting new people. Next time your up here, we should get together. WORD!

Anonymous said...

Quiet around new people...reminds me of someone.