Monday, May 30, 2011

Please plug in the charger

I'm surrounded by devices meant for communication. I check my phone habitually, updating myself on what's going on everywhere, at all times.

I'm studying the means of accelerating human communications. It's only now that I realize - what's the point?

The means are there. The message isn't.
The phone is proof enough. A fistful of cash a month for the reassurance that everything is fine and I'm not needed anywhere.

It's akin to being a telepath, but all I hear is noise. Nothing useful. I'm attuned; in communion. But all that's out there is pointless static.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Nothing you say could make less sense

They say it comes in threes. Three bad years. Three bad months. Three bad days.

Grandfather passed away. After ten months of agonizing dementia, the body finally caught up to the mind. We wanted to grieve and mourn, but all anyone could feel was relief, and release.

I was asked to write the eulogy. Initially, they wanted me to present it too, but I told my parents to find someone else if they planned on doing anything else that day. In the end, I think it worked out for the best. Family we haven't seen for decades showed up at grandpa's funeral. The whole family tree, basically. It was interesting, and we told a lot of stories.

Then when I got home, there was the whole bit about Osama bin Laden getting nailed by Navy SEALS. There was a lot of cheering and celebrating. I don't know why. So much emphasis was put on nailing this one guy, this one insignificant life. I asked ten years ago if the US was motivated by revenge for Sept. 11. Now we know the answer. If Osama bin Laden paid the price for 3,000+ dead Americans, I can only imagine what karmic retribution is in the pipe for all those dead and displaced Iraqis.

And then the election (see, all in threes). I'm not at all surprised by the outcome. The Conservatives have a strong backing in the nationalist elements of Canada. There's been some pretty bad things done on the world stage in Canada's name, and I guess that kind of sally-forth bullshit struck a chord with Canadians who've, for generations, toiled thanklessly in the diplomatic slog of UN and multilateral negotiations.

Now we have four years to live with the consequences. A lot of people have told me they couldn't be bothered to vote because every party is full of shit. Yeah, that might be true, but those same parties are the ones making the laws to tell you what to do, and how to live.

My vote might not have been a winning one, but I'd like to think it counts as a protest against jerks in suits telling me what to do and when.

Just a thought.